Meloxi-Tabs® 2.5

Meloxi-Tabs® 2.5

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, Analgesic and Antipyretic; COX-2 selective

Canines Palatable tablets

Each 1.18 g tablet contains: Meloxicam 2.5 mg, Excipients 1 tablet.

Relief of inflammation and pain present in musculoskeletal disorders, including osteoarthritis, both acute and chronic. Reduction of post-operative inflammation and pain following orthopedic and soft tissue surgeries.

Meloxi-Tabs® 2.5 is administered orally. Initial treatment is a single dose of 0.2 mg meloxicam/kg body weight on the first day. Treatment should be continued once daily (at 24-hour intervals) at a maintenance dose of 0.1 mg meloxicam/kg body weight. The practical dose is 1 tab/12.5 kg b.w. on the first day; continuing once daily at 1 tab/25 kg. Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time according to individual response. A clinical response is usually seen within 3-4 days.
Box x 28 slotted tablets in blister,

SENASA Registry: Reg. SENASA Perú: F.099.031.I.00152.

Petmedica® is a division of Agrovet Market S.A.
This content is an informational reference and should not be considered as recommendation of use.

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